Saturday, March 15, 2025
Blogger Series

Blogger Feature Series : Meet Oreoluwa of NextDoorChic

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Thank you all for appreciating this series and now, I bring to you Oreoluwa Lawal of Next Door Chic.

I also recently met Ore and it’s been fun talking to her plus her love for flatlays is mutual🖤

1) We would love to meet you! Tell us a few things about yourself

My name is Oreoluwa Lawal. I’m a 19year old Final year Banking and Finance Student. I’m also a Beauty and Lifestyle Blogger. I love reading articles about beauty and lifestyle, I live for music, I love taking pictures but not in the way photographers do, i just take random pictures on my phone and edit them and ever since I discovered flatlays it has become my hobby.

2) Tell us about your blog and your blog niche

I started blogging officially 2years ago but I’ve been a blogger for about 6/7months. Lol I say that cuz I only started getting the hang of blogging about few months ago. The first year was just me experimenting.

And about my niche, I’m into Beauty and Lifestyle, I’ve never really been a fashionista, I just wear anything I’m comfortable in, but anything beauty related is something I can relate and respond to any day and any time. I decided to add lifestyle to it.

3) What inspired you to start a blog and how much time do you dedicate to blogging?

Honestly I was inspired by boredom, I was bored one holiday and I decided to put my time to good use, I really thought I’d have stopped by now because that was my plan, to stop once I resumed back to school but I fell in love with blogging and I read more on blogging and the professionals in the game and I loved everything about being a blogger.

Because I’m still in school I always juggle between the weekends and during the week,most times it’s just anytime but I’d say 6/7days a week, at least 12hours a day. Lol honestly it’s just as the spirit leads.

4)Mention some of your favorite bloggers and what made them stand out to you?

Wow I have a lot of favorite bloggers. I love Demi Akin, she’s the DIY Queen. Mirijam Flatau, Ifeoma Amadi their feeds give me life. Habiba Da Silva, Hafsat Mohammed, Maryam Salam I love how they can make everything look good even on hijab,absolute goals. There are a whole lot more but I’m afraid if I start to list them, I’ll take forever, you’ll get mad and wonder why you even asked in the first place lol.

5) What can we find you doing when you are not blogging?

Being a student,Making someone up (I love doing that), watching movies, listening to music and belting out notes like I’m Beyoncé.

6)Anything else you’d like to add?? A quote or a tip for the readers??

I think I’d just say to bloggers everyone is doing great, I see new people joining the blogging community everyday and I just want to say keep doing your best. And be creative and as original as you can possibly be.

To the readers, thank you all for always supporting bloggers. Your honest comments keep us going.

I hope you all loved her responses because I did too!! Now, please do take a moment to check her out🖤



Read Up on the interview with Amaka of MindOfAmaka HERE!!

WHO WOULD YOU LOVE TO BE FEATURED NEXT??? Let me know in the comments below!!

Till Next Time,

With Love, 🖤


Hi, I'm Airah, a Frontend Engineer & Content Creator of all things Modest Fashion, Lifestyle and Skincare. Visit my blog at
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