Saturday, March 15, 2025
Blogging Resources Guides Tech Tips

An eBook Guide on How to Build a Self-Hosted WordPress Blog/Website + Answered FAQs

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Recently, the most asked questions from my followers on social media (mainly Instagram) has been related to blogging and how to create a self-hosted WordPress blog.

how to build design develop self hosted wordpress blog website ebook pinterest pin khairahscorner

Why was I being asked these questions?

Around October 2018, I moved from a free WordPress blog to a self-hosted blog I developed and I’ve been getting questions ever since. These questions usually revolve around how I set up the blog all on my own and requests for a guide on how to do the same.

If you didn’t know, I recently finished my Computer Engineering degree but I now identify as “Frontend Engineer” AKA I develop websites and web apps. Despite that, I had to do a lot of research as I wasn’t a professional WordPress developer and didn’t fully know what to expect. Still, it was easier for me because of my tech background.

What prompted me to write this eBook?

Earlier this year, I refurbished the look of my theme by customizing it with a lot of CSS codes. I got appreciative comments on the new look and some reached out with paid offers to work on their blogs too. I was excited to work on these projects and even created a “service package” for clients.

However, I discovered most of them didn’t have experience with developer fees. They also had extremely small budgets which could not cover even a small part of development costs. This prompted me to think of a way to help them build their dream blog without the overhead costs and I took polls to get ideas.

Eventually, I settled on the eBook idea and that was how I decided to write and publish a comprehensive D.I.Y guide on the whole process.


I’ll be customising another theme for my blog soon. If you like my current theme and would love to get the entire CSS codes I used for the customisation, leave a comment on this post and I’d reach out to you!!

free customised wordpress theme with css codes khairahscorner design develop ebook guide

What is the eBook about?

How to Design & Develop a Self-hosted WordPress Blog: A Comprehensive DIY Guide” is an eBook put together to extensively cover and explain everything you’d need to build a fully functional self-Hosted WordPress blog/website. It has 46 pages and contains:

comprehensive DIY guide: build design develop self hosted wordpress blog website ebook 3d mockup mobile ipad khairahscorner

8 Chapters to extensively cover everything you need,

Outlined steps & Chapter summaries for ease of use,

Illustrations to give practical examples of what to expect,

Recommendations to provide you with the best options,

Bonus resources to fully maximise your blog, etc

Note: Self-hosted WordPress sites ARE different from paid sites on

Who is it for?

This ebook is for you if you:

– are serious about starting a blog or website and would prefer to build one yourself,

– currently blog on another platform but would like to start afresh on WordPress,

– blog using a free plan but want to own your own domain, at a lower price than paid plans offer.

It’s also useful for self-hosted bloggers who want to:

– understand how their blog was built so they can be in charge,

– maximize the privileges of owning a self-hosted blog.


A Free Guide on Tweaking Blog Themes

How I Set up my new self-hosted WordPress blog

The Beginners Guide To Get Started on Pinterest

An Easy Guide to Making Right Career Decisions

How to Get a Copy

You can purchase this eBook for 4000 Naira ONLY. 25% of the sales will be used for donations to worthy causes. You can make payments using this link.

You can make the purchase for $12 if you’re not in Nigeria or with the Nigerian currency. For international payments, please use this link.

You can also purchase as a gift for a friend/relative, an aspiring blogger you know or even for a giveaway.

For all Enquiries, please reach out to me via:

– Instagram DM: @khairahscorner or

– Email:

Orders can also be made via email and Instagram DM.

comprehensive DIY guide: build design develop self hosted wordpress blog website ebook pinterest khairahscorner

How else can you help?

It’d mean a lot if you can share this post and the picture below on your social media platforms.

You can also tag me while sharing so I can see them and appreciate your efforts. My handle is @khairahscorner on Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. Thank you for your support as always.

support khairahscorner buy me a coffee

Don’t forget to leave your comments, share with friends and connect with me on social media!

With Love,



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Hi, I'm Airah, a Frontend Engineer & Content Creator of all things Modest Fashion, Lifestyle and Skincare. Visit my blog at
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