Sunday, January 05, 2025
Faith Reality

The Question of Identity as a Muslim Woman

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What is your identity? What’s the first thing about you that describes you and gives you your identity? For me, it’s being a Muslim or more precisely, being a Female African Muslim (Yeah, that’s the first thing that comes to mind).



Dress: DIY version of a summer dress I window-shopped on Shein;

Scarf: @khayyclothing;

Bodytop: Local Seller

Bag and Sneakers: Brands on AliExpress

(Shop Bag here , Shop Sneakers here)

A few years ago, I’d have never wondered or thought about the importance of identity. However, it now keeps circling around in my head so I had to sit and critically think about what it really meant.

Identity based on the Hijab/Headscarf

The hijab or the headscarf is a real touchy topic to many Muslims. We all pray to continue to grow and seek Allah’s (SWT) mercies so I’m not here to talk about anyone’s choice, just my experience.The turban has been unofficially made the symbol of the Muslim woman and suddenly, a lot of people ‘fancy’ the concept. There’ve been situations where I’d thought a lady in a turban was Muslim and offered the Muslim greetings. The lady almost never is.

blogger on the issue of identity portrait mode

The turban and headscarf has now become a ‘trend’, something ‘cool’ to try ONCE in a while and that doesn’t sit well with me at all. Ironically, those who wear it as a symbol of their religion are subjects of victimization. In summary, OUR identity has been made into a trend to try but not to completely embrace, thus stripping off its very importance.

And what happens when something is devalued? When your identity is taken away?

Have You Read This?

A reintroduction of the blog

A ‘Life Lately’ Post (Another one coming up soon!)


Identity based on the Names

Imagine a scenario of meeting a colleague whose name was Muslim (in my opinion, Arabic names represented and was for Muslims). I later found out he wasn’t and it made me remember how I used to believe anyone with a Muslim name was Muslim and that it was our identity. I quickly found out that was not the case and of course, it was with several experiences.

Everything is now complicated and these two factors no longer signify your identity. If the Arabic names do not identify you as a Muslim and the headscarf (in this case turban) no longer lead you towards kindred spirits, how do you deal with that? How do we recognize ourselves?



I’d love to hear your answers and read all about your opinions and experiences.

With Love,



Hi, I'm Airah, a Frontend Engineer & Content Creator of all things Modest Fashion, Lifestyle and Skincare. Visit my blog at
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6 years ago

Nice work!
I love your posts.
I just feel the head covering or turban or scarf isn’t a religious thing, or at least that it wasn’t from the very beginning. It was a cultural thing of the people of that area, which also signified modesty.
So I feel it (solely) shouldn’t be a thing of identity for any religion
Would love to hear from you 😀

6 years ago

Khairah, you’ve got it made and I’m super proud of you.
On the question, it is difficult to distinguish a Muslim from a non-muslim these days. But mind you the way it is worn could strike a difference amongst individuals. You can’t compare the way you wear your scarf to the way a non-muslim wolud have worn it solely.

Exploring Modesty: Bloggers and Brands Influencing my Wardrobe Choices | Khairah's Corner
4 years ago

[…] The Question of Identity as a Muslim Woman. […]

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