Saturday, March 15, 2025
Guides Lifestyle Tips

What You Need to Get Started on Flatlay Photography

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Hey Guys!! As you all know, I previously wrote a post on how I got started on flatlay photography and highlighted some tips on how to take a decent flatlay here .

I’m happy to say I believe I can be considered an intermediate flatlay photographer, so I’ll be sharing some tools you need to get started on taking pretty decent pictures.

Flatlay photography tips and tools to use

1) A SUITABLE phone/camera 

It definitely doesn’t have to be an actual camera. It also doesn’t have to be an iPhone or a high-end Samsung or Google Pixel. All you need is a phone with a decent enough camera, you can always upgrade later.

I started with a Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini that was a living dead and I was still able to take these👇. Just start with what you have.

2. Eye For Details

Some people are naturals, they have the eye for details. However, you don’t have to be a born genius. Paying attention to details and capturing them is really a skill to develop.

Have you followed my blog yet?? Check here to do so!!

3) Editing Skills

This is major, it can transform a dead picture into a living breathing one. You just need some basic knowledge of editing apps (I’ll be mentioning them below) and you explore and tweak to your satisfaction.

Check out some of my flatlays on Pinterest!!

My Instagram also has a lot to show you!!

4. Editing Apps

Apps to use for editing flatlay photography

You are not restricted to these ones but in my opinion, the basic beginner app is Snapseed. It has so many uses, from brightening to removing unwanted items and a lot more. Others you might check out are Facetune, VSCO, Afterlight, etc. Just find any that suits you and work with it.


5. Opinions and Feedback

They say “Ask and it shall be given”. That’s why you HAVE to ask people what they think about your flatlays. Honest opinions and suggestions go a really long way in improving your skills.

That’s all the juice I have to spill for now. Growing is a really important part of life but sharing that growth so more people can grow is equally important.

Let me know what you think of these tips and DON’T FORGET TO SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS. Someone just might be needing a little push to start what could be a beginning of a career.


Hi, I'm Airah, a Frontend Engineer & Content Creator of all things Modest Fashion, Lifestyle and Skincare. Visit my blog at
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