Ever been in a situation where there was a total internet blackout: you on a vacation, maybe a remote island, no access to internet, just you, your phone and laptop? It can be quite overwhelming since our generation is globally connected and we’re used to information just a Google search away.
I found myself in an “Internet Detox” period for about 6 days so I wanted to share a few things I did to stay sane and get through each day. I’ve also included others, which I didn’t do but could be helpful.
I’m serious about this: SLEEP. I’ve lost several hours of sleep over time so when I get the chance, I always try to catch up on my missed cumulative hours. A lot of people, myself included, don’t adhere to the 8 hours recommended sleep time for a healthy life, most don’t have the luxury. Hence, in times like these, it’s best to catch up on the needed rest but do not overdo it. Studies have also shown that sleeping too much is unhealthy, so try to keep a balance on that.
Reading and learning something always helps regardless of what’s being read. Learning proved to be quite difficult for me because I constantly needed more information than I had available on my laptop/phone and there was no internet to come to the rescue. It was frustrating but I eventually resorted to reading leisurely. I’m currently catching up on a book series I was interested in, few years ago.
Read about this book series as well as others things I’ve been up to in this post.
– Learn something new if you have sufficient materials for it. If you don’t, pick up a book or a novel for fun, read a book series, dig deep into them and visualise when reading.
– Re-read something you previously skimmed through. Search through your phone/laptop, there’s always something new to learn or relearn.
People don’t often get the time to truly think about life or “find their true purpose”. So these quiet times can be utilized by tending to the mind and soul.
– Meditate, reflect upon your actions, responsibilities, choices to be made and goals to achieve.
– Relax and try to find your sense of calm and peace, there’s nothing like the feeling of being content and at true peace.
Write; not a book or bestseller novel, your thoughts. I had been having writer’s block for a while, hence the reason the blog was abandoned. However, I was able to clear out my thoughts by writing down all of the content ideas bursting through my head.
A friend once said to me, “Writing is therapy” and I completely agree. Writing helps to calm the mess that goes through one’s head. So write your thoughts out, random things on your mind or think up ideas that might be fun. Create content you enjoy and do not pressure yourself.
Since you won’t be learning or meditating 24/7, take some time to enjoy forms of entertainment you don’t get regularly. Watch a random TV show, play games, do anything fun.
There are several games that can actually help improve one’s intellect or soft skills. A lot of people play 2048 and I believe it gets you thinking. I also personally enjoy this Stack Ball game. It can be helpful in teaching patience/perseverance or at least that was how I looked forward to beating my own highest scores.
If you’re stuck at home, this might be a great time to rearrange and clean out your wardrobe. Sort through outfits you haven’t worn in more than a year, those that may not fit anymore and find ways to donate them or share to anyone in need. You can also sort through your library and do away with books that are no longer of use.
Decluttering for me, was on my phone and laptop. I cleared out my camera roll, got rid of unnecessary/duplicate media and I had a great time reminiscing and laughing whilst doing so. I also cleaned up my laptop disk storage, deleted unnecessary files and greatly decreased my movies count. So, if you’re stuck like me in the scenario I painted at this start of this post, this is a good way to declutter.
Deep cleaning are for days when you have time, hence it’s ideal for this situation. Vacuum or wash up your entire living quarters, clean out your desk space, target dark corners of your room and shine your surfaces. A clean space always brightens up one’s mood.
Hobbies often get neglected when dealing with the reality of taking care of responsibilities. This is a great time to get to love your hobbies again. Recall the hobbies you enjoy the most and get back to doing them. It could be anything; art, makeup, writing, sewing, weaving/knitting, pottery, literally anything. Practice and improve your skills in them.
Practice makes perfection.
These are some of the things I was up to and I hope you find them useful! I believe it got me into the right head-space and I got inspired into creating content and enjoying it.
Have you ever tried “Internet Detoxing”? What are some of the things you’d do when stuck with no access to the internet? Let me know in the comments below!
With Love
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