Saturday, March 15, 2025
Brands & Businesses Fashion Tips

Best Hijab Scarves to Own & Where to Shop in Nigeria

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As a female Muslim wearing the hijab in Nigeria, it’s always been a struggle of getting the best and quality scarf fabrics brands have to offer. I once wrote about my experience with buying and wearing awful scarves in a post and how I changed my mentality of “Cheap is good enough” to “Affordable is the best”.



I believe this was one of my reasons for starting an online brand. KhayY Clothing focuses on providing quality handmade outfits and now currently, scarves at affordable prices for students. I also believe in securing unique scarf fabrics and that’s the reason behind the limited stock of KhayY Clothing’s scarves.

Before I over-promote myself (which isn’t a bad thing abeg), I’d like to share the scarf fabrics I’m currently loving and exactly why you need them in this Nigeria.

NOTE: I always offer honest and uninfluenced opinions especially when it comes to scarf reviews. 

All purchases made from shopping through these links below do not benefit me in monetary terms.

1) Premium Jersey


I got introduced to this scarf fabric when I got a #Gifted package from Shatouu. The brand launched two new collections and the jersey was my favorite. It’s incredibly soft and breathable, very durable and super easy to style. It doesn’t form the “v” shape at the forehead and perfect for draping. It can also be tied beautifully as turbans and different hijab styles. I’d definitely be looking into sourcing for more of this fabric.


Recommendation: HIGHLY RECOMMEND.

Pricing: #2000 – #2500

Shop the Premium Jersey Scarves HERE.


I’ll be having weekly giveaways on THE BLOG every Saturday till the end of Ramadan!! The first giveaway goes live on the next blog post by 12pm, watch out for it.

2) Premium Rayon


This one is one of the recently released collection on KhayY Clothing’s website. It was previously launched in a trial quantity and I loved the fabric so much. It’s not like any crinkle you’ve ever seen and it shrinks to its true texture when washed. I love how it stays on all day without the use of pins and conclude by saying it’s completely perfect for ALL scarf-wearing female muslims.

The scarves are still available to shop in many interesting colors. Go grab one and be a part of our #ScarvesByKhairah squad for this Eid.


Recommendation: HIGHLY RECOMMEND.

Pricing: #3200 – #3500

Shop the Premium Rayon Scarves HERE.

3) Viscose Linen


This is another one of the new collections by KhayY Clothing and these scarves are handmade. The collection was inspired by the love I shared with my three siblings, hence I made sure I found rare fabrics to represent the collection.

It’s soft, non-stretchy and crimped (those crimps cannot be ironed out). The “crimpness” was the selling factor and it’s also lightweight. It’s completely suited for Muslims wearing the turban but equally suited for other female Muslims. It’s currently sold out in one color but the other two colors are waiting to be grabbed too.


Recommendation: HIGHLY RECOMMEND.

Pricing: #1700 – #2000

Shop the Viscose Linen Scarves HERE.

4) Premium Chiffon


There’s no contesting the fact that chiffon scarves are a hijabi’s best friend. There are several fabrics of chiffon but these ones are my best versions. They’re very lightweight, easy to wash and wear and simply just dope.

Two Brands I can vouch for the best versions: Shatouu and KhayY Clothing.

Recommendation: HIGHLY RECOMMEND.

Pricing: #1200 – #1500.

Shop the Chiffon Scarves from Shatouu HERE.

Shop the Chiffon Scarves from KhayY Clothing HERE.


These are currently my favorite picks and they’ve been saving me every day, especially in this scorching Nigerian sun.

Which one(s) is/are your favorite?

Which one(s) do you own and which one(s) would you like to also own?

Leave me your responses in the comments below.


With Love,



Hi, I'm Airah, a Frontend Engineer & Content Creator of all things Modest Fashion, Lifestyle and Skincare. Visit my blog at
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