Saturday, March 15, 2025
Reviews Skincare

Skincare Products for Minimal Acne and Glowing Skin

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I talked about my skincare journey in this last post and it’s only right to write about products I use currently and what they do. I have so many skin issues to combat, hence I’ll also talk about them and steps I plan to take.

DISCLAIMER: This is a personal opinion, I’m in no way a skincare expert. I just use products and review their effects on MY skin. If you have oily, acne-prone skin, this post might be more suited for you.

skincare products review for minimal acne healthy skin khairahscorner pinterest blog banner


After thorough research, I’ve updated my list of facial issues to include:

  • Prone to acne,
  • Excess sebum (hello, oily skin),
  • Hyperpigmentation (uneven coloring),
  • Icepick acne scars and pigmentation spots as well as
  • Uneven textures.

Some of these issues might require a trip to a dermatologist (acne scars and uneven texture) for effective results. However, I’m working on the ones I can currently manage.


I currently use products with organic and inorganic ingredients but they are not homemade mixtures. I prefer clinically tested and generally approved ones because I just perceive them as more effective.

The effective skincare cycle is Wash + Cleanse + Tone + Repair + Moisturise + Protect. Most people say it varies for morning and night routines but I just do it all (except for sunscreen at night, of course). I sometimes slack and be like “E go be” but I always managed to pick myself back up, especially when I touch my face!

P.S Don’t touch your face always!! I’m still struggling to break this habit.


1. Face wash

dudu-osun-african black soap skincare products review for minimal acne healthy skin khairahscorner


This is the first step to take and I already mentioned that I use Dudu Osun as my wash. I also mentioned why in this post, it works to remove the base dirt I might have gathered on my face. I use it morning and night, although I sometimes wash after I get back from a tiring school day. It’s more harmful to wash your face too frequently because you might be stripping it of essential oils. So I limit it to a maximum of thrice per day.


2. Facial Scrub and Mud Mask

Remember my skincare products video haul in January? I outlined the constituents I looked out for when purchasing them, you can watch it here!

himalaya-herbals-purifying-neem-daily-scrub-150ml-skincare products review for minimal acne healthy skin khairahscornerhimalaya-herbals-purifying-neem-daily-scrub-150ml-description-skincare products review for minimal acne healthy skin khairahscorner


I got the Himalaya Herbals Purifying Neem Scrub and Clarifying Mud Mask. Judging by results, I know they worked and both made of organic products. The scrub was great for exfoliating and definitely contributed to blackhead removals and pore unclogging. The direction was to use it daily but I got informed that scrubbing daily could do more harm to the skin. Hence I reduced usage to twice, at most thrice a week, morning only.

himalaya herbals clarifying mud mask skincare products review for minimal acne healthy skin khairahscornerHimalaya-herbsls-Clarifying-Mud-Mask-150ml-description-skincare products review for minimal acne healthy skin khairahscorner


The clarifying mud mask also helps remove some of my chin whiteheads, deep cleanses and restore skin firmness. First time I tried it, I could feel my skin tightening and afterwards, my face felt better “textured” and refreshed. It’s said to have cooling properties but sometimes it “stings” (tingles) for a bit and then dries up. I wash it off with a sponge and later, my hands. I used it less often but now I prefer to wear it like thrice a week (directions are to use it once or twice a week though).


3. Rosewater

rosewater skincare products review for minimal acne healthy skin khairahscorner

On getting informed that ACV wasn’t a product to be used frequently on the face as it might affect the skin pH, I decided to try other alternatives. Witch hazel and rosewater are “better” toners than ACV and I think my rosewater actually did help with the toning. I initially tried one mixed with glycerin but it had a whole bunch of other stuffs so I switched to pure rosewater. It currently doubles as my cleanser and toner, at least until I get an actual cleanser. I love the smell unlike the ACV and doesn’t sting/tingle so win-win.

P.S I do plan to get ACV again for occasional use on pimples that pop out of nowhere. It also helps when “extracting pimples” and I think that’s much better than always picking at it. But kidss, picking pimples is not good!


4. Serums

q7paris-renue-essence-anti-dark-spot-serum-with-vitamin-b3-skincare products review for minimal acne healthy skin khairahscornerq7paris-renue-essence-anti-dark-spot-serum-with-vitamin-b3-30ml-skincare products review for minimal acne healthy skin khairahscorner


A recent post on the serum I use appeared on my Instagram feed after getting feedback from a friend I recommended it to. Read my and her review!

This Q7 Renue Essence serum might not be a known name but it does work to fade dark spots. My skincare partner  found and tried it and it worked so well for her that I decided to try it too. It contains Alpha Arbutin and Niacinamide which works on hyperpigmentation and a bunch of other stuffs. All I know is it steadily faded those pimple dark spots and I think it helped with my general hyperpigmentation. I use it morning and night, directions were to rub it in until dry but I prefer to apply and let it sink in on its own.


5. Moisturizers

Clean-Clear-Dual-Action-Moisturizer-100ml skincare products review for minimal acne healthy skin khairahscorner

I use the Clean and Clear dual action moisturizer courtesy my skincare partner. It definitely cools the skin on application, apparently helps prevent spots and is oil free. It’s also a secret to my “glow” but I’m not sure what ingredient induces that. I think moisturizers generally induce “glows” because I also have the Lirene Nourishing Honey and Lemon Cream and the “glow” is similar.

lirene-moisture-nourishment-rejuvenating-and-smoothening-moisturiser-with-honey-and-lemon skincare products review for minimal acne healthy skin khairahscorner

The Lirene cream is a dermoprogram that’s meant to help rejuvenate the skin and was formulated for ages 30 and above. However, I didn’t see that initially because the sales girl made me excited by telling me it works for dark circles (yeah I got sold lol). I don’t know if it works but I do see a bit of reduction of the dark circles or maybe that’s just what I want to believe. I interchangeably use both of them, mostly Clean and Clear in the morning and Lirene at night.

P.S You have to have a good or at least improving skin to “glow” with moisturizer, unless of course you prefer to pour oil on an already oily face.

However, it’s said that some oils are actually good for oily skin but I’m not about that life yet.

6. Sunscreens

All hail the sunscreen, for it helps reduce the horrifying hijab tan and oh, minimizes risk of skin cancer!

I’m actually a bit guilty of not wearing enough sunscreen and that’s partly because a doctor was surprised I was really low on vitamin D (which you can get from EARLY morning sun). I don’t apply and reapply “every 2 hours” especially since the one I have is a chemical sunscreen inherited from my sister and said to contain a questionable constituent. SO, until I get a better sunscreen, I cannot speak on it.

BUT I do know that you REALLY need a sunscreen!! Even my hijab tan has faded a bit (thanks to my other products + “mini-protection” from new tans).

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I’d loovvee to try the Black Girl Sunscreen, because it’s made by one of us, for all of us (Literally made by two of us, Nigerian sisters)! Hpwever, it’s more expensive at their Nigerian retailer, as expected (over 10K range when it actually costs less than $20 on the website). I’m hoping to find another way, so if you can be of help, please reach out!


I’m yearning to work more on those skin issues and after thorough research and brainstorming with my skincare partner, I outlined some products I should get soon In Shaa Allah (a prayer point for me!). They are inorganic/chemical products and hopefully I don’t experience skin purging.

Please keep in mind that these products are also kinda expensive to purchase here in Nigeria but I’m actively looking for an abroad contact since it’s much cheaper to purchase therein. If you have an abroad plug, don’t hesitate to hook me up please!!!

I still have a long way to go so I’d really love more recommendations for acne scars and repairing skin textures. I’m also open to suggestions on affordable Mineral Sunscreens and this one is very URGENT!! Leave me some ideas in the comments!!

What do you think of these products? Have you tried any of them? Leave me your own review in the comments!! Share with your friends too so we can all get on that healthy skin journey.

With Love,



Hi, I'm Airah, a Frontend Engineer & Content Creator of all things Modest Fashion, Lifestyle and Skincare. Visit my blog at
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