Saturday, March 15, 2025

January/February Haul – My White Essentials

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Have a read on items I got during my january/ february mini haul.

Hey Guys!! This post is looonnnggg overdue but as you all know(If you follow me on Instagram @khairahscorner ), I’ve been writing tests and then exams. Its been really tough but I’m glad I finally have time on my hands.

ANYWAYS, I started my year with quite a number of buys, which is something I rarely do but I couldn’t help it given that most of the items I got were in the colour I’ve wanted to have in excess for sooo long( WHITE!!!!).

I actually didn’t “buy” in February(I was too buried in books😊😊)

So Without further ado, let’s get started!!

  • WHITE CLOTHING (Knit Sweater, Baggy Shirt, Body Top)

Recently I ranted about wanting cozy knit sweaters on my InstaStory and when I found a similar sweater from Shop Rewa , I just had to get it.

Happy Valentine!!

Now, I’ve always loved baggy shirts because it’s the perfect clothing for anyone to wear on a straight skirt(or skinny jeans) if you think skinnies “expose” your derrière 🤗, but I always felt it would look like a bag on me (Skinny girl problems). So when I bought this shirt(along with a bodytop) from Peng Outfit, it was mainly because of the white colour and the love I had for it.

I was soo wrong, In fact the number of compliments I got when I casually styled it was quite overwhelming, So I’m definitely going to search for more of these.

Law Student??

LESSON LEARNT: You shouldn’t decide that something is not for you unless you have experienced/tried it.(T&C apply!)

  • PHONE ACCESSORIES(Personalized phone cases, cord protectors)

As you all know, I recently changed my blogging tool(i.e phone) and although, I haven’t had time to fully explore it and get all necessary apps on it, I still had to beautify it.

This cute personalized phone case is from AliExpress and although I actually ordered in black but got white, it’s going to be rectified and I’ll show you all! (That’s why you gotta follow me on Instagram @khairahscorner).

  • GIFTS(Ethereal Scarfs, Purse&Sweater from Mum🤗, Camou Fabric from Bestie)

I feel so loved when I get the perfect gifts from people. It’s such a good feeling to know that some of your friends and family know exactly what makes you go crazy!!

Mum blessed me with this cozy boyfriend jacket(which I would have picked in Grey, except my elder sister decided it was that colour she wanted🙄) and a really cute black purse.

Thank God for Filters!

One of my best friends made my eyes water when she gifted me with this cute camou fabric. I’m going to make it into a really lovely dress and I can’t wait to show you all the outcome!!

( I’m a huge fan of camou prints, check out My Back To School Look to see what I mean!! ).

You all know I manage a brand KhayY Clothingso it’s only natural I get birthday goodies(from myself😂). Anyways, how cute are these ethereal scarfs?? One last colour is available before it’s sold out so head over to shop yours now!!

  • FOOTWEAR(My Current Slippers, Yet-To-Be-Delivered Soles)

After being constantly reminded that I don’t own slippers/sandals because I like covered shoes more, I finally decided to close my eyes and purchase a cute pair of slippers and I’ve been wearing it ever since.

Also, I ordered the soles late December last year but for some reasons(known to the seller🙄), I still haven’t received it. However, I should be receiving it soon and whilst I’m not sure whether I would do a review of it(because I don’t want you guys to go through what I went through🤷‍♀️), I’ll be sure to give you the contact of the seller IF you ask me for it, just so you don’t blame me if you get into the same situation I did.

Okay, so that is all!! Here’s the price list(in case you thought I was extravagant in spending):

  • WHITE CLOTHING: #3500 in total
  • PHONE ACCESSORIES: #3000 in total
  • GIFTS: Completely free of course
  • FOOTWEAR: #4000 I think(but I paid #3500 last year(the soles).

I would love to hear your thoughts on this haul. Would you like to see more of haul posts and some shopping tips?? Would you like me to give reviews of the brands that currently make up my wardrobe? Do you have any brands suggestions for me??

Let me know in the comments below!!!


Hi, I'm Airah, a Frontend Engineer & Content Creator of all things Modest Fashion, Lifestyle and Skincare. Visit my blog at
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