Saturday, March 15, 2025
Lifestyle Reality

A Life Lately Post: Decisions and Relationships

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Hey Guys!! First, I would love to wish you a happy new month(Late, I know)!! When did 2018 start and we are already done with the first quarter of the year??! I hope we get to live through this year and many more. I know you all must be wondering where I disappeared to and why I haven’t been as active as I usually am. I’m here to give updates on what I’ve been up to. I hope you guys forgive me (You were all in my heart the entire time!!).



As you probably know, I just concluded my 3rd year of uni(out of 5). I’m an engineering student, I had to undergo a compulsory holiday Industrial training. It’s been adventurous and fun but I finally realised that there are a lot of decisions I need to make. Decisions like balancing my engineering career, my brand(KhayY Clothing)along with blogging. They are all very time-consuming and require 150% of hard work and consistency.


Currently loving?? 

One thing I got really in tune with this break, was comfort. I literally could have worn my PJs to work(IF I had one!!). My signature-look became my cute slides with socks( which has appeared on my instaStory repeatedly) and it looked really odd to me the first few trials but I quickly learned that me being comfortable in it, was all that counts and that as long as it looked good and comfy TO ME, it didn’t matter what others thought of it.


I also got to be a secondary school student again!! How?? I tried my possible best to always take my lunch and water bottle with me to work every day(If you are thinking I was uncool because I carried lunch boxes and bottles my entire high school years, then you are totally wrong). Besides, I discovered that I’d probably suck forever at waking up early enough to make myself a decent breakfast….


Ever had a small health issue and your mind blows it out of proportion?? It’s a really horrible way to feel because suddenly, you play out your death and other people’s lives after it and that alone,could make you develop more issues. I haven’t quite overcome this one yet but I do believe it helps to have the facts laid out for you and understand what you are up against.



There are times that you fall in a really bad place and your faith starts to waver. I’ve learnt that you’ve gotta talk about it with someone you know would understand, someone who has been there and won’t “judge” you but rather, find a way to pull you up and remind you of all the infinite reasons you have to be thankful.



Ever had an amazing relationship with someone and suddenly it hits an iceberg? Well, I had to deal with that and I just couldn’t get over the fact that you think you are in a great place with someone but it turns out they had a totally horrible opinion about you. BUT, I’m slowly understanding that the only person that can make YOU happy is YOU and so the only person that should be able to break your heart is also YOU.


This post is long but I hope I bored you enough for you to forget my absence. What have you been up to?? What lesson has life hit you with recently?? Your current obsessions? Current struggles?? Let me know I’m not alone in this by leaving a comment of your life lately below!!

Till Next Time,

My Signature


Hi, I'm Airah, a Frontend Engineer & Content Creator of all things Modest Fashion, Lifestyle and Skincare. Visit my blog at
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