Friday, March 14, 2025
Fashion Reviews

A Custom Mauve Dress in Style: Inspired by Veiled Collection

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I’m ALL about loose-fit dresses with minimal but unique details and the latest addition was a lovely mauve dress, custom-made with exquisite sleeve details.modest muslim fashion maxi dress belt sleeve details custom opera mauve taupe belt blood red premium rayon scarf styling veiled collection blogpost khairahscorner view bannerBeing in Nigeria, there’s no easy access to shopping from some modest brands I admire. It’s also quite difficult to find Nigerian stores with friendly-priced outfits which you can just add to cart and pay. Hence, we mostly rely on custom made dresses by small businesses that can bring the designs to life, just like you imagined. That means lots of browsing through Pinterest and saving up designs that pique my interests.

This dress was by a modest brand based in New York, Veiled Collection. I’m absolutely in love with several pieces from the brand but they’re based in the USA and the prices when converted to the weak Naira aren’t friendly.

modest muslim fashion maxi dress belt sleeve details veiled collection blogpost khairahscorner

SHOP here on Veiled Collection

Regardless, I got it custom-made in a mauve dress color. I cannot compare but I absolutely loved the outcome. Disclaimer: The colors came out in a different shade on camera but it is mauve-colored in reality.

modest muslim fashion maxi dress belt sleeve details custom opera mauve taupe belt blood red premium rayon scarf styling veiled collection blogpost khairahscorner full view    modest muslim fashion maxi dress belt sleeve details custom opera mauve taupe belt blood red premium rayon scarf styling veiled collection blogpost khairahscorner sleeve view


Custom-made by @mo_haleem

Scarf: @khayyclothing (Sold Out)

RELATED STYLE POST: Modest Fashion Hack: A Strappy Floral Dress Affair


modest muslim fashion maxi dress belt sleeve details custom opera mauve taupe belt blood red premium rayon scarf styling veiled collection blogpost khairahscorner view  modest muslim fashion maxi dress belt sleeve details custom opera mauve taupe mauve belt blood red premium rayon scarf styling veiled collection blogpost khairahscorner sleeve view

The first thing I love about the dress is the material, I’m not sure what it’s called but it has this starched feel, it felt airy, light and extremely comfortable. However, it doesn’t dry out completely even with the tiniest drop of water so it leaves some kind of temporary patchy stain.

Next was the sleeve details, oh my! That was what actually drew me to the dress: the effortlessly elegant details on the sleeves. It also had belt holes at the sides and I made mine to have more fit and no zipper. It works well with colors similar to my Blood Red Premium Rayon scarf. I also styled it with a white scarf and belt as an accessory in this style video on Instagram.

modest muslim fashion maxi dress belt sleeve details custom opera mauve taupe white belt white scarf styling veiled collection blogpost khairahscorner (2)  

You might even give black a try but it felt too contrasting for me. Let me know what you like about the dress in the comments and I look forward to styling more pieces like this!

With Love, khairahs-corner-signature JOIN ME ON: Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest | Quora | LinkedIn | Bloglovin’


Hi, I'm Airah, a Frontend Engineer & Content Creator of all things Modest Fashion, Lifestyle and Skincare. Visit my blog at
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