Friday, March 14, 2025
Fashion Tips

Modest Fashion Hack: One Wrap Dress, Five Ways

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SO there are several hacks to wearing dresses in different ways: there’s the go-to “change accessories” amongst several others depending on the kind of dress. BUT how do you wear a full-length fully-sleeved dress in five ways?

You change your headscarf!!

Muslim Modest Fashion Hack One Grey Wrap Dress Five Ways burnt orange premium chiffon scarf blogpost khairahscorner banner pinterest

I know I know, cliché, but this is probably the go-to hack for most Muslim women when styling an outfit on repeat. Anyone can actually use this hack, especially people who love to style scarves in interesting and lovely styles. For this post, I styled five different looks with my grey wrap dress just by changing my headscarf.

1. Monochrome Look

Muslim Modest Fashion Hack One Grey Wrap Dress Five Ways grey premium chiffon bintabadmus scarf blogpost khairahscorner

For the record, monochrome looks don’t only mean black & white outfits, wearing the same color in different shades that blend together are also called monochrome looks (mono as in one).

So for this look, I went with a darker shade of my dress since it was a light shade of grey. I also chose a premium chiffon type of scarf because they look best for “formal” wear and that was the vibe I was aiming for.Muslim Modest Fashion Hack One Grey Wrap Dress Five Ways grey premium chiffon bintabadmus scarf blogpost khairahscorner love

Shop the scarf from @bintabadmuslady

Muslim Modest One Grey Wrap Dress Five Ways grey premium chiffon bintabadmus scarf blogpost khairahscorner love

2. Deep Warm Tones

Muslim Modest Fashion Hack One Grey Wrap Dress Five Ways burnt orange premium chiffon scarf blogpost khairahscorner

Honestly, I love this scarf color so much I just had to try it on the dress. The color “brings” out my face and it’s also of premium chiffon fabric. The color also did great complimenting the neutral tones of the grey dress and it just might be my fave look.

Muslim Modest One Grey Wrap Dress Five Ways burnt orange premium chiffon scarf blogpost khairahscorner side view

Shop the scarf from @aliexpress

3. Sharp Contrasting Look

Muslim Modest Fashion Hack One Grey Wrap Dress Five Ways royal blue bubble satin silk raana scarf blogpost khairahscorner

I wasn’t sure how to describe this look but the electric blue scarf gives off a sharp bright contrast, paired with the dress. Since the dress is already on the light spectrum, this color was a bit tricky for me to try. It eventually worked out, probably because the blue is kinda dark despite its sharpness. The scarf fabric is also different and a first in my wardrobe! It feels like a silky suede but just slightly heavier than a premium chiffon.

Shop the scarf from @raana.essentials.

P.S Raana Essentials, I’d love to try other colors of this scarf type and I wouldn’t mind a PR package, if there’s anything like that🥰

4. Earthly Tones

Muslim Modest Fashion Hack One Grey Wrap Dress Five Ways brown premium rayon scarf blogpost khairahscorner side view

I had 5 scarves packed for my trip and it turns out they could all work to give a different vibe with the dress. I like the idea of brown on this shade of dress but it’d work better with a more vibrant brown. The brown gives off a dull (or cooled) vibe and pairing it with the dress felt muted to me, like it was muting the whole look. Not sure that makes sense but in summary, it could work with a better brown.

Scarf  was from The Premium Rayon Collection by @khayyclothing now sold out. I’m not sure which other brand has them but you can try this store.

5. The Go-To Color

When in doubt, wear black.

Muslim Modest Fashion Hack One Grey Wrap Dress Five Ways black premium chiffon shawl hijabs by aesha blogpost khairahscorner

I didn’t intend to include this look but it suddenly looked right and I know a lot of people reach first for their black scarves (I do too). I was expecting it to look “too off” for some reason but it actually turned out pretty well. It’s a neutral color so it makes sense plus it’s also on the dark color spectrum.

Muslim Modest One Grey Wrap Dress Five Ways black premium chiffon hijabs by aesha shawl blogpost khairahscorner

Shop scarf from @hijabsbyaeesha


This look is the only one I’ve actually worn, the color really compliments the grey and puts the outfit together. It’s the first look I’d recommend to try. The scarf is the “Blood Red” from my sold out Premium Rayon collection (same as the brown).

Let me know in the comments which look(s) were your favorites! I’d definitely be wearing them out sometime and I hope you like them too!!

With Love,



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Hi, I'm Airah, a Frontend Engineer & Content Creator of all things Modest Fashion, Lifestyle and Skincare. Visit my blog at
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