HAIR CARE has become a hobby I’ve recently taken a liking to. I’ve always been about just keeping my hair free of dandruff and whatnot’s despite the fact that I hoard on hair products and buy everything that appeals to me.
Remember my product mini-haul where I purchased some hair products? (Read it up here to catch up) .
Apart from the Vatika sweet almond hair oil I got, I also won this amazing hair masque from Pretty Glossy. I was excited to try this product as it was specially formulated for Hijab Hair. You should read more on their website because I’m only here to share my opinions about the product and show yáll how pretty it makes pictures look (not because I got it for free, lol).

I had to wait for about a month before it was shipped from the UK but it was totally worth the wait.
The Packaging
The very first feature to love about the product was its packaging. It was so beautifully packaged, had enough protective layers to avoid spills due to shipping and that was just the beginning.

2. The Smell
Another major feature about this product is its smell. I’m not sure what exactly gives it the smell but that smell alone makes you wanna pour the whole concoction on your hair.
3. The Effect
Next comes its effect. To be honest, I wasn’t really sure it’d be a good product for African hair(it kinda felt like it was for all those gorgeous long manes) but I was sooo wrong. It was during my third application (you have to generously apply it, don’t be a typical Nigerian and be ‘managing’) that I discovered just how different my hair actually felt.
I wouldn’t give all the credit to this product as I actually applied my hair oil very often that week. Nevertheless, the effects of both products were simply amazing.
My hair did feel smoother, it was definitely less tangling at the ends and it was quite easier to comb. This experience made me realise that hair products actually do work. These two products have actually brought noticeable change to my hair.
4. The Value
I’ve been on the hair journey for about four years now and my goal had always been to have healthy and considerable-length hair. This product did justice to the healthy aspect and I’d love to keep using it. However, it currently cost 29 Pounds which I simply cannot spare. BUT IF YOU CAN, it is totally worth it. Here’s a direct link to purchase it.
Let me know in the comments below!!
With Love,