Sunday, February 23, 2025
K-Beauty Reviews Skincare

The Vegan Glow Mild Foam Cleanser: Korean Skincare Review

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Korean beauty products are well known in the skincare world as very effective in taking care of several skin problems, The Vegan Glow Mild Foam Cleanser is the first Korean product I’d be trying out.


I’ve been itching to try out some brands due to amazing customer reviews but shipping costs are always discouraging. The Vegan Glow is a Korean skincare brand with vegan, cruelty-free products and affordable shipping rates!

They currently offer three products: Mild Foam Cleanser, Good Morning Cream and Good Night Cream. The products are made from EWG-Green ingredients, a fancy way of saying the ingredients are deemed safe.

UPDATE: Original Shampoo Bar and Original Conditioner Bar have been added to their product list.


I got to try out the Vegan Glow Mild Foam Cleanser and it was quite exciting since it was my first vegan skincare and K-beauty product. I’ll be sharing details about the ingredients, shipping to Nigeria, first impressions, usage and my overall thoughts on the product.


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The cleanser mainly contains natural surfactants i.e mostly plant-derived cleansing ingredients. I recognised ingredients like Butylene Glycol and Caprylyl Glycol ✅. Research shows every ingredient listed as EWG-certified with scores of 1.

However, one ingredient that gave me concern was Lauramidopropyl Betaine. It’s the major component of cocamidopropyl betaine and second on their ingredient list, which indicates it’s a major constituent of the cleanser.


Although EWG-green, it’s still derived from coconut oil and coconut oil is comedogenic. It’s also said to cause some skin reactions/irritation depending on your skin type.

This is why there is a warning on the package that says to discontinue use in case of rashes and irritation. I personally think the brand did great to include this warning, this further proves their transparency.

Order and Shipping:

You can place your orders via their website and shipping to Nigeria is $6!! I was completely surprised at how affordable it was, compared to the fees that chase you away from most foreign brands.The best part: the shipping is most likely to cover as many items as you ordered. Shipping takes about 1-2 weeks and it comes in the cutest box!


First Impressions and Usage

1. Minimal and Eco-friendly Packaging: The products come in a brown box wrapped with protective layers of brown paper. The paper is also aesthetically pleasing and useful for flatlays.


2. Great Smell: The cleanser is a colorless gel and has a particularly nice smell. I’m not certain which ingredient is responsible but it’s either the Xanthum gum or the Anise Fruit Extract. Either way, I love the smell.

3. Minimal Lather: At first, I replaced my usual cleanser with it and used it for about two weeks. It doesn’t lather up too much because its ingredients are natural surfactants. Chemical surfactants tend to lather more than natural ones.

4. Good cleansing & Non-drying: It does a good job of stripping off dirt and doesn’t dry up my skin in the process. There are cleansers that give a squeaky clean feeling after wash which is not exactly good for the skin. Cleansers should give you a “creamy” smooth feeling after use and this cleanser does that ✅.



Side Effects

I developed some rashes around my jawline after about a week of everyday use. It wasn’t itchy or exactly irritating. I also got a few really painful pimples but I wasn’t sure whether it was the cleanser that caused it. This prompted research of the ingredients to pinpoint the cause of my reactions. Although I loved how the product felt, I had to stop its use. The silver lining is I now know to take extra caution with ingredients derived from coconut oil (guys like lauramidopropyl betaine).


I still plan to try the cleanser again after some time because apart from the reactions, the cleanser is a total rec. All in all, the cleanser is definitely one to try, it feels good and doesn’t dry up your skin✅. People with oily, acne-prone skin should take caution when trying it but it’s one cleanser you shouldn’t miss out on.

UPDATE: I gifted the cleanser to my sister to try out and she shared an amazing review about it. It worked well for her skin and that confirms my conclusion: The Vegan Glow mild foam cleanser is worth the try.

Ever heard of this skincare brand? What do you think of vegan skincare? Have you tried this cleanser before? I’d love to know your thoughts about it. Do leave a comment below.

With Love,


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Hi, I'm Airah, a Frontend Engineer & Content Creator of all things Modest Fashion, Lifestyle and Skincare. Visit my blog at
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