Saturday, March 15, 2025
Faith Fashion Tips

Three Easy Hijab Styles to Wear Effortlessly

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Hey Guys! So I decided to share more of the useful tips and hauls I already share on my other social media platforms, hence in this post, I’ll be showing you three hijab styles that you can wear everyday and effortlessly, NO STRESS INCLUDED!!

You can follow me on Instagram here and on Pinterest here!

But First,

A little story that birthed this decision….

I got a wake-up call about how I could lose a lot if , say Instagram, decided to shut down😱??, also a lot of people still don’t have the IGTV feature so basically they’ve been missing out on all the goodies.

Initially, I thought of starting a YouTube channel but decided I wasn’t exactly ready for that yet.

(Let me know what you think about starting a YouTube channel in the comments!!🖤)

So I figured making blogposts AND including these tutorial and haul videos was one way to keep ALL of my audience satisfied.

ALSO, If you haven’t subscribed to my mailing list yet, you totally should.

Finally, here are the three easy ways to wear your hijab effortlessly!! Watch the video below:


1) Ready-For-Class

This is my signature style, perfect for formal occasions or anywhere you need to look serious(or like someone who’s fully confident in herself😁).

2) Late-For-Class

This is me on most days, hence the reason for the style name, you can also pull this off if you don’t want too much around the neck.

3) Lazy-Day

This is more of a draped style, it’s so casual and easy to pull off. Make sure to secure the pin underneath your chin for full neck coverage.

What do you think of these styles? What styles do you wear and would recommend to others? Let me know in the comments!!

With Love,


Hi, I'm Airah, a Frontend Engineer & Content Creator of all things Modest Fashion, Lifestyle and Skincare. Visit my blog at
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